I write this very tired feet, a wicked sunburn and a huge smile on my face. What a wonderful weekend!!!!! Very much so needed.
We got outta town a little before 2pm. Decided to take HWY 101 up to the city. Neat drive- got to roll through Gilroy and oh how I love the smell of garlic! We made the first part of the trip quite quickly then came San Jose..... LOL the latter half of our drive was stop and go with added ass hats on motorcycles deciding to travel between stopped cars..... GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I hissed every time one would zoom past us. Got into the city round 6pm. Long trip, but we were there! Oh yeah! Got checked into the hotel, stretched out for a minute and decided to find some take out to bring back to our weekend home, both tired and there was a Giants game on the tube- must see Friday evening deal for us.
Mr. Generik had suggested a few dining establishments for us and we scoped out the menu at one- O-Zone. Thai food and my goodness it was a great choice. Pineapple fried rice is amazing, chicken, shrimp, pineapple, raisins, cashews- yummy. So between the two of us we had left overs to munch on the entire trip. It was beautiful. The weather was quite beautiful, so we had the windows to our room at the Monarch Hotel open to the street noise, the people noise, the great breeze until the "street theater" as SSM calls it, became a bit loud at almost 2am.
Walking the few blocks to the restaurant Friday night I was noticing how there were so many more people in the city milling around. Then I remembered, not only a Giants Yankees series, but it was also Pride weekend. Okay, makes sense now. On our way up to get dinner I was told by a scruffy baritone voiced Tranny that I had a pussy walk. SSM decided he was a bit envyous of me not having to strut with testicles between my legs! ;)
My body, even when I am on a mini vacation will not allow me to sleep in, so 6:30 rolls around and I am staring at SSM wondering when he will wake up so I can turn the damn TV on. We get up, watch the news get coffee and get all gussied up, ready to have breakfast at this little place we ate the last time we were up. Walk down, it's not open. Walk to breakfast place #2- again not open. We stroll to Union Square to have coffee and a bagel at this crazy little coffee shop. Read a bit of the paper, have a great cup of dark roast and decide it's cable car time!
Get our tickets and sit on the bench outside on the car. The ride was awesome. Seeing the different parts of town, the houses, people, all of it- so beautiful. It was a bit chilly but I would freeze again for that any day! The original plan was to take the cable car to China Town and find an Herbal Shop, but we rode it all the way down to the water instead.
Before I put my toes in the sand we took a quick potty stop at a boat museum that a docent on the cable car recommended we check out. It was filled with parts of ships, stories on travels and the top light part of a light house, so cool! We took a short stroll down to the beach so I could run my toes in the water and the sand. It was great, and accompanied by a beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Out in the water swimming the length of the harbor were ladies and gents in wet suits, training for I'll never know, but man it looked like fun. After fighting with the foot washing shower dealie, we headed back to take the cable car back to Union Square to meet up with Generik.
Snuck up on him but jumping off the cable car one stop early.... :) And away we walked. He took us by to see the Misses at the AMAZING fabric store she works at. (I only saw part of one floor. Can't wait to get back with measurements for my windows! ) Hugs and hi's and we were on our way to the Ferry Building and the open air market they have on the walk outside. It was amazing. I haven't ever seen anything like that in my life. The fruit, the flowers, the cheese the people!
From there we walked to the park to see the Giants play the spankees (Yankees). I love AT&T park- so pretty, and the view of the bay is amazing! We definitely got our monies worth out of the tickets we bought, being able to see the Giants beat the spankees in 13 innings! Oh how I love me some baseball! :)
From there we smooshed on a bus with a bajillion people to get back to pick up Mrs. Generik from work and walk back to the hotel. Later we met up with them for dinner at Tommy's Joynt. Stiff drinks and great food. Such a great way to unwind after the game. SSM and I headed back to our hotel and crashed out almost immediately with full tummies and smiles for the win!
Woke up and headed out for breakfast. The two places we stopped by weren't open. So we started on yet another adventure and found a great little internet/ coffee shop/ bagel place. Had some coffee, a bagel with lotsa goodies on it and read the paper. It was exactly what I needed to get ready to walk down to the Pride Parade. We checked out of the hotel, met up with Generik and off to the parade we went.
It was total culture shock for me. So many people, people in costumes, people showing their support. It was just awe inspiring. We made our way to the parade site to see the "Dykes on bikes" head up the parade. It was crazy- easily 1000 or more motorcycles and mopeds with girlies girls and not so much on bikes. Then the parade started.
The floats, balloons, music, and participation took me back a bit. This is what is is suppose to be like. People should support their city. The acceptance and love that people and businesses show this festival of sorts was wicked. I loved it! The Mayor was up front and in person in the parade, as were the homosexual police officers, walking hand in hand with their partners. Then came the families, the parents and friends the high school kids, everyone there to show their support for this. It was a bit tear jerking.
After the parade SSM and I had some lunch and a drive around San Francisco, along with going across the Golden Gate Bridge and were on our way home.
It was a beautiful trip, and I can't wait to get back up there in a couple of months. I don't have a camera so you'll have to bounce over to SSM's and Generik's blogs for photos!
It's going to be a busy next few days. Have Gramma duty tonight which includes, but is not limited to: vacuuming, dusting, laundry, dishes, taking garbage out and giving her a shower. She really is a tough woman, and has been doing SOOOO well with this whole being broken thing. Following that is a meeting, picking up my laundry, hauling it upstairs and doing some cleaning. Tomorrow is more cleaning, a biopsy that I wish was over and done with and sleep, probably some more organizing. Friday I've only got a half day at work because back to the city we go! I can't wait. Pretty weather, great company and Baseball! YAY!!!! :) So yeah super busy week/ weekend, but it will all be here and done very shortly.
I also feel the need to extend some thanks. Thanks to those that listen to me ramble via the phone. Chinese or on the couch on a pretty consistent basis. And thanks to one in particular for being so patient and for help with Gramma this past weekend. Support is something I have a hard time asking for, and you guys just give it. *big e-hugs* (and real ones the next time I see you all!) So yeah if I don't blog before San Francisco, I will when I get back! :)
1. Rockstar is nasty, even though it tastes much better with booze in it- it hurts like a motha the next day.
2. Half truths are just that, and the more upfront someone is with me, the more I respect them and their decisions, period end of story.
3. Starbucks really hits the spot sometimes
4. Parking in the garage isn't as big a deal as I think it is. LOL
5. I miss being a kid and having a summer vacation.
6. Thank goodness I am getting out of town in a couple of weeks- I'm ready!
7. So many forms of love, so little time
8. Sleep is good, must invest more in it
9. Spaghetti is good intoxicated food
10. Taking time off for family- 224 dollars 2 tanks of gas doing so- 60 dollars kicking ass and getting my desk totally caught up in 2 days- priceless!
Gramma took a header, off of a 3 foot tall step ladder. I don't know how many times our whole family has asked her to ask for help with cleaning tall things, changing light bulbs and the like. But this time it hurt- major. Got a phone call at work at 9am Wednesday morning, get over there with Mom about 5 minutes behind me. Gramma can't move her arm, she can barely move at all. We get shoes on her and off to the ER we go. Spent all day in the ER. Thought she had fractured or broken her arm, nope she totally dislocated it at the shoulder. (To the point where her left arm was about 4 inches longer than the right, talk about making me squeamish)
Yesterday she felt like she got hit but a truck, as I expected. But goodness is she a tough cookie. Went by her place this morning to check on her and she was up and has the pink back in her cheeks.
Thank goodness for a great ER doctor and nurse that took great care of her. Pair that up with her German stubbornness to not need help for long and I think she's going to be great!
I am very tired still though, I go into super spaz mode when things happen to her. But knowing that she is starting to recover makes me very happy.
So yeah, that's whats been up with me- how about with all of you??
SSM turned me on to this lady's music and I think I'm in love. I've got her deal on my page, but check her out..... I wanna see her live!
Isn't it odd how we can prepare ourselves for certain things, but when it comes down to it, we aren't ever really prepared. How someone is going to act, a wedding you knew was planned, but weren't really sure was going to take place, caring for people but never realizing you are ever going to care the way you do.
Prepare, you can't.
Feel a little "off" because of it, inevitable.
Let it over take you, maybe just for a moment.
So when does feeling as one does about a situation become less of an emotional battle? Never? Someday, who in the hell knows.
I hate being in a funk, but there isn't a whole lot for me to do, but let it roll on through. I think I'm going to start walking in the evenings as well. Help to keep me busy and not worrying about the things I have no control over.