Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Who's on vacation??? Oh yeah, that'd be me! :)

That's right folks. For the first time in 15 months I will be on a vacation. 11 1/2 days of doing whatever feels good. I'll be out pushing for Rogue monies, cleaning, drinking coffee, reading, visiting my Gramma, just being.

I thought about taking a few days and venturing out of town, and decided that I didn't feel like it. I just need some down time in the good ol 'No. Visiting friends, causing trouble, whatever works!

I do plan on getting some Christmas shopping done, although I am not sure what exactly I am buying. LOL Sporadic shopping sprees are some of the most productive trips ever!

So tomorrow is the big turkey cookin day. I'll eat some, visit with the family, then become "meals on wheels" to certain persons that didn't want to actually attend dinner with my family. Not like I can blame them, my family is odd, but I love em to death.

So this is the time to vocalize what a person is thankful for. I am thankful for everyone and everything in my life, they are what is making it wonderful and trying on a daily basis. So, if you're reading this, thank you for being a part of my life! :)

I am, however really really thankful for Lucy, my cat. As much as she drives me totally nuts at 3am playing, she gives me the unconditional daily love I need to survive. We snuggle, we share meals, sing really loud together, play, and talk. It's so hard living alone sometimes. I grew up in a house that was moving 24/7. So, at times I get really really lonely. Thanks Jaded girl for bringing the tubby orange fluff ball into my life! :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Have a very safe and fun one.


Mustang said...


Here's to hoping you have a great vacation! Sunday?


ScarySquirrelMan said...

happy thanksgiving and a great holiday from work.