Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A bit frazzled

With many a situation. I say it all the time, but I really don't understand things so much of the time. I thought the older we got, the more things make sense. I guess I am just totally naive or something. On a normal day I am the biggest optimist you will ever meet. The sun will always shine, doors never close without a window opening, silver linings always present. Not this week. This week has been a headache, possibly from thinking entirely too much about certain situations that I have been presented with, that pose the following questions:

1. You bring up a big problem to a person, this person listens, no advice given, just questions asked to get a better grasp on said situation. The you don't hear from said person. Shoot them an email or two to check in- a phone call as well, and no return anything. Communication completely cut off. What is that all about? How can you cry on someone's shoulder and then not follow through with how things are going with the situation??? It's a bit frustrating to say the least!

2. The word "Thank you". Where has it gone exactly? It seems as though it isn't a part of peoples normal day to day routine to say thanks anymore. How hard is it? Two words, spoken after something is done, said or presented to another.

thank you

a conversational expression of gratitude

and just in case you needed to use it in any other language:

thank you
I thank you
Example: Thank you (very much) for your present; No, thank you.
Arabic: شُكْرا، أشْكُرَك
Chinese (Simplified): 谢谢(你)
Chinese (Traditional): 謝謝(你)
Czech: děkuji
Danish: tak
Dutch: dank je
Estonian: aitäh, tänan teid
Finnish: kiitos
French: merci
German: danke
Greek: (σε, σας) ευχαριστώ
Hungarian: köszönöm!
Icelandic: þakka þér
Indonesian: terima kasih
Italian: grazie
Japanese: ありがとう
Latvian: paldies; pateicos
Lithuanian: ačiū
Norwegian: tusen takk (for)
Polish: dziękuję
Portuguese (Brazil): obrigado
Portuguese (Portugal): obrigado
Romanian: mulţumesc
Russian: благодарю
Slovak: ďakujem
Slovenian: hvala
Spanish: gracias
Swedish: tack !, tackar!
Turkish: teşekkür ederim

3. When did being the only person in existence become a hip thing to do? No one else exists, no one else has feelings, no one else matters. It's a very interesting concept that I don't think I am very comfortable with. If this is the way we are evolving- I might as well retreat into a cave for the rest of my existence.

4. Human beings bury their heads in the sand? I was unaware of this as well. They can have lots of information presented to them from various sources, but choose to not take said information into their action or thought process. Even when it comes from a loved one.

All of these things have been tossing around in my head all week. Makes it a bit hard to sleep, especially when they are all things that I am passionate about. Treat people as you wish to be treated, keep it simple, less drama is better. I will never understand why people choose to complicate issues that don't need to be. If presented with a challenge, a question, a task, simply would be my preference to handle whatever it may be.

I am starting to think that I care too much about certain people or situations, and that is why they affect me this way. Perhaps it is time to not care about things the way I do, or care for the people I care for the way I care. I don't know. I'm very lost with people's actions and words lately I am pretty glad I am going on a short "vacation" this weekend with my family- the people that always keep it real, keep it simple, keep it full of love.


Katie :) said...

Im lost Steph!

Mustang said...

Taco Bell?


airplanejayne said...

okay....all ya'll lost me.

katie - I'll miss you this weekend. but enjoy. I share your frustration in situations such as described. But you can only do so much -- the rest is up to them.

Katie :) said...

APJ- I am trying so hard to realize that,but sometimes it is so hard to just push aside the emotion behind it all.
I'm hoping getting out of here for a few days will calm me down, and bring me back to only putting time and energy into those and that stuff that matters.

TGiggles said...

Hmmm....sounds like you might be having a rough time.

If you feel you might need a male persective, although I am about the least male male perspective on the planet, give me a buzz and we'll burn an hour on the telephone. Or I can try and lighten your mood.

Have fun and let loose this weekend.